Monday, July 10, 2023

Teaching in Trisuli - July 10

Today we are teaching the Good News in Trisuli! We traveled to Trisuli yesterday from Kathmandu. We didn't have Riley with us, however, because she got pretty sick. She stayed behind in Kathmandu with Missionary Ohlmann and rested. She ended up getting some antibiotics and is doing much better today. Thank the Great Physician!

We split up into our three groups again for teaching. Thankfully none of us had to travel very far from the hotel. We were blessed with the opportunity to teach to a lot of children who had probably never heard of their Savior today. My group (Sam Radermacher, Ben Haslett, Lydia Ohlmann) taught at a little public school with about 28 kids. It is important for me to remember at such a huge witnessing opportunity that it isn't my responsibility to create faith in these children's hearts, but the work of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Sam Rodebaugh had a great devotion tonight discussing those very thoughts. He emphasized how it is not our power at all, but the power of the One we preach about that does the work. And even when we leave here, God will always remain and continue His work. 

After teaching, we left immediately to get back to Riley as soon as possible in Kathmandu. As I said before, we got back to find out she is doing much better. That left relaxing, supper, and hymn singing to finish up the evening. 

I thought of this verse of TLH 496 a lot while preparing to teach:

If you cannot speak like angels,
If you cannot preach like Paul,
You can tell the love of Jesus,
You can say He died for all.
If you cannot rouse the wicked,
With the judgment's dread alarms,
You can lead the little children
To the Savior's waiting arms.