Tuesday, July 4, 2023

CLC MHT NEPAL 2023 JULY 4 Benjamin Haslett

My team departed from the hotel at 10:15 A.M. We had morning devotion as we traveled to the Nepalian wayside church. Travel involved riding in an SUV for approximately 20 minutes. We had to get out and walk across a river. After walking across the river we made a very short walk to the church. Shortly after arriving at the church we were welcomed with applause and given beautiful Nepalian scarfs as gifts. Afterwards the worship service started. The Mission Helpers then each got up and presented their respective Bible lessons. Afterwards the worship service was closed with a nepali hymn and a prayer. Once the service was done, we went next door and were given the traditional Nepali meal of chicken and rice which was very good. We rode back in the same SUV that took us from the hotel to the river. The river had at this point dried up enough to allow vehicles to cross it. We stopped on the way back at a small shop and picked up Indian style desserts. We then went back to the hotel and spent the remainder of the day there.